Central Bank of The Bahamas Reports (2010 – 2019)

Under the Central Bank of The Bahamas Act, 2000 (the Act), the Bank is mandated “to promote and maintain monetary stability and balance of payments conditions, conducive to the orderly development of the economy; in collaboration with other financial institutions, to promote and maintain adequate banking services and high standards of conduct and management therein; and to advise the Minister of Finance on any matter of a financial or monetary nature referred by [the Minister] to the Bank for its advice.”

Under the Central Bank of The Bahamas Act, 2000 (the Act), the Bank is mandated “to promote and maintain monetary stability and balance of payments conditions, conducive to the orderly development of the economy; in collaboration with other financial institutions, to promote and maintain adequate banking services and high standards of conduct and management therein; and to advise the Minister of Finance on any matter of a financial or monetary nature referred by [the Minister] to the Bank for its advice.”

Annual Report & Statement of Accounts (year)Access Year’s Report
2010Download Report
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2020Not Available

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